How to type in Bengali ( কিভাবে বাংলা টাইপ করবেন )

How to type in Bangali ( কিভাবে বাংলা টাইপ করবেন )
It can be challenging to type a story or poem in a language other than English. However, there are several ways to do this:
- Google Translator: For short sentences you can use Google Translator for English to Bengali language convertor. I translated the title for this Blog using Goocle Translate and pasted it here)
- Google Input Tool: You can type a document in Google Docs using the Google Input Tool. This tool is an extension in Chrome browser an allows you to select whether you want to use the keyboard that maps to Bengali script or normal English keyboard that changes the words to English. For example ‘amar’ becomes ‘আমার’.
- Website: The easiest way to type a lot of text in Bengali is to use the website: This website allows you to type Bengali words in English typescript and it will change it to Bengali. For example, if you type: ‘Ami chini go chini tomare o go sundari’, it will type it as: ‘আমি চিনি গো চিনি তোমারে, ও গো সুন্দরী।’ It types it a word at a time. You may have to correct a few words, but it gives options to chose from in a drop down.
I hope this is helpful for all Bengali writers. Note that to find this Blog again, mark it as a Favorite. Then in Advanced Filter, check off the Favorite box and all your Favorite posts will be shown. You can also select Search in Advanced Filter and type #BengaliTyping to find this post again.